%META:TOPICPARENT{name="ApplyingLicenseFiles"}% ---+ Apply License Files to Release 6.x "Lite" Edition Data Access on Windows 1 Retrieve your new OpenLink license file (e.g., sql_lt.lic, oplrqb.lic) from email or [[ODSBriefcaseLicenseStorage][ODS briefcase]]. 1 Place the new license file in the appropriate directory. * By default this is C:\Program Files\OpenLink Software\UDA\bin, but you may have installed elsewhere. * If in doubt, check all System and User Environment Variables (*System* control panel -> *Advanced* tab -> *Environment Variables*) for an OPL_LICENSE_DIR. * If a license file by the same name is already present in this directory, rename the old file and save it until you're sure the new one works. 1 Launch the *Services* or *Component Services* utility (*Start* menu -> *Control Panel* -> *Administrative Tools*). 1 Stop and restart the OpenLink License Manager service.