%META:TOPICPARENT{name="OATDOCIndex"}% ---+ rotator.js Creates a set of 'rotating' elements, which are cyclically displayed in an infinite fashion (1, 2, 3, 1, 2 ...). %TOC% ---++ Objects ---+++ OAT.Rotator(panelX, panelY, options, callback) Creates the Rotator object. Its elements will have width of panelX and height of panelY.Callback will be executed every time rotation pauses. Parameter options is an object of the following properties: * *delay* - rotation speed (number) * *step* - animation smoothness (number) * *numLeft* - how many elements should be rotated before shifting the first one to the end (number) * *pause* - delay after one animation round (number) * *type* - OAT.RotatorData.TYPE_ constant, specifies an animation direction (see [[#Constants][Constants]] section) ---++ Methods ---+++ OAT.Rotator.addPanel(element) Adds a new element to rotating set. ---+++ OAT.Rotator.start() Starts the rotation process. ---++ Constants ---+++ OAT.RotatorData.TYPE_ * OAT.RotatorData.TYPE_LEFT - ToBeDone * OAT.RotatorData.TYPE_RIGHT - ToBeDone * OAT.RotatorData.TYPE_BOTTOM - ToBeDone * OAT.RotatorData.TYPE_TOP - ToBeDone ---++ CSS classes ---+++ .rotator ToBeDone ---++ Example var r = new OAT.Rotator(200, 200, {type:OAT.Rotator.TYPE_RIGHT}, function(){}); r.addPanel("div1"); r.addPanel("div2"); r.addPanel("div3"); r.start(); CategoryDocumentation CategoryOAT CategoryOpenSource CategoryToBeDone