%META:TOPICPARENT{name="OATDOCIndex"}% ---+ dav.js Displays a WebDavBrowser window for file picking/opening/saving. Optionally prompts for auth credentials. %TOC% ---++ Functions ---+++ OAT.WebDav.init(options) Creates WebDAVBrowser window and sets various configurationoptions, if needed. All possible options: * user - username * pass - username * path - path which should be opened * file - default preselected file name * silentStart - do not display connection setup dialog on WebDAVinitialization * extension - ID of default file type extension to be selected * pathFallback - this is a failsafe path which will be offered when HTTP errors prohibit changing to requested path * imagePath - path to images, with trailing slash * imageExt - image files extension * isDav - whether the server is DAV. For non-DAV HTTP servers, a minimal 'prompt' will be used instead of full Browser When no user/pass is passed in options or silent Setupis set to false, user will be prompted for credentials through connection settings dialog. ---+++ OAT.WebDav.openDialog(options) Opens the Browser in file browse mode. User can select a file, which will be passed back to application. All options passed to OAT.WebDav.init can be used here. Additional specific options: * callback - function to be executed when user selects a file. This will be called with 3 arguments:path,file name and contents. * extensionFilters - array of file type extensions. Each item consists of 4 values:arbitrary unique ID,extension,description, and optional content type ---+++ OAT.WebDav.saveDialog(options) Opens the Browser in file save mode. User can select a new/existing file, the Browser will then save specified data to that file. All options passed to OAT.WebDav.init can be used here. Additional specific options: * callback - same as inOAT.WebDav.openDialog * extensionFilters - same as inOAT.WebDav.openDialog * confirmOverwrite - bool, should we ask for a confirmation when overwriting existing file? * dataCallback - function which provides data to be saved. Will be executed with two arguments:selected file name and used extension ID. If set to false, nothing will be saved. ---++ Examples var options = { user:"demo", pass:"demo", path:"/DAV/home/demo/", isDav:true, extensionFilters:[ ["all", "*", "All files", "text/plain"], ["xmldoc", "xml", "XML Documents", "text/xml"], ["xmltemplate", "xml", "XML Templates", "application/xml"] ] } OAT.WebDav.init(options); function showContents(path, file, data) { alert(path+file+' contains:\n\n'+data); } OAT.WebDav.openDialog({callback:showContents}); CategoryDocumentation CategoryOAT CategoryOpenSource