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  • UdaWikiWeb.TableOrViewDoesNotExist(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 15:01:03 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 15:01:03

    Error Message: Table or view does not exist

    This error may indicate an ambiguous table or view name (i.e., that it appears in multiple schema or catalogs within the target DBMS), or that the table/view name is capitalized differently than your query.

    This error is usually resolved by one of the following --

    1. Fully qualify the problematic table name, e.g.,


    2. Match the case (uppercase, lowercase, mixed-case) of the table name in your query to the case of the table in the database, e.g.,


    3. Match the case (uppercase, lowercase, mixed-case) of the table name in your query to the case of the table in the database and wrap the table name in double-quotes, with or without full qualification, e.g.,

      "CustomerTable" "Northwind"."sa"."Customers"


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