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  • UdaWikiWeb.SystemError126(Last) -- DAVWikiAdmin? , 2019-03-06 18:06:08 Edit WebDAV System Administrator 2019-03-06 18:06:08

    Error Message: System Error 126 or Unsupported type of OpenLink Lite ODBC driver

    If you receive System Error 126 or Unsupported type of OpenLink Lite ODBC driver messages, take the following action:

    1. Ensure that the database native client is installed and functional on your Windows machine. Also ensure that your C:\autoexec.bat (Windows 95, 98, ME) or System PATH environment variable (Windows NT, 2000, XP, and later) includes the directory containing the database client DLLs.

    2. Ensure that the path to the directory containing the Single-Tier client DLL is included in your computer's System PATH environment variable. (You will typically find the Single-Tier client DLL in the "lite32" sub-directory of your installation.) You may set the PATH variables using the Environment or Advanced tab of the System control panel (Windows NT, 2000, XP, and later), or the C:\autoexec.bat file (Windows 95, 98, ME). Then, restart your computer.

    3. Ensure that you have licensed your driver with a current license key.

    4. Ensure that your Microsoft Driver Manager is current. To proceed, click on the "About" tab of your ODBC Data Sources control panel. Next, locate the Driver Manager version in the list box. If your Driver Manager version is less than 3.52.7713.0, note the following --

      1. Microsoft's Knowledge Base includes a number of articles regarding ODBC issues, many of which are resolved by updating the Driver Manager and MS Access Jet components on Windows platforms. These updates are strongly recommended in all cases, and may be required in some cases.

      2. MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components) version 2.7 is generally recommended (except for Windows 95, which can only use up to MDAC 2.6 SP 2). Jet 4.0 Service Pack 6 should be applied to all flavors of Windows, following SP 3 when required; SP 3 is necessary for all Windows pre-2000 (i.e., 95, 98, NT). These updates are all available from Microsoft's website --
        • MDAC 2.7
        • Jet 4.0 SP 3 -- required on Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT. Windows 2000 and later ship with this pre-installed.
        • Jet 4.0 SP 6 -- for all Windows versions; install after SP 3 (above) on Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT.

      3. In addition, OpenLink generally recommends applying all Critical or Recommended updates found on Windows Update.

    5. If the problem persists, use the free Dependency Walker program (also from Microsoft) to load the Single-Tier client DLL, typically found in the "lite32" sub-directory of your installation. This will show you all the linked libraries (DLLs) on which the Driver depends, and identify any which are missing or incompatible.


    • ODBC Trace
    • Single-Tier Driver Version, Date, and File Information

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