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  • UdaWikiWeb.SingleTierLiteJDBCPreinstallWin32(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 15:01:01 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 15:01:01

    Pre-Installation Requirements for the Lite Edition (Single-Tier) JDBC Driver for ODBC Data Sources (a/k/a JDBC-to-ODBC Bridge), for Windows

    DBMS Requirements

    • Your target data source must be SQL compliant.
    • You must possess enough knowledge to establish a ODBC connection to this database using third-party or native ODBC drivers.

    Software Requirements

    • You must possess third-party or native ODBC drivers that connect to your target database. A client portion of these drivers must be installed on the same machine as the Single-Tier "Lite" Edition JDBC Driver for ODBC Data Sources.
    • You must have a JVM (Java Virtual Machine) that is compatible with OpenLink software.
      • Generally, the latest JVM from http://java.com/ is the best choice.
      • If targeting a 64-bit ODBC Driver, you must have the 64-bit JVM, which is only automatically presented to 64-bit web browsers.
      • It is often best to install both 32-bit JVM and 64-bit JVM on 64-bit Windows, but you must take care that the PATH and other environment variables are set correctly (i.e., to load all 32-bit or all 64-bit) for each tool.

    Configuration Requirements

    • The third-party or native ODBC driver must successfully connect to the target database. For best results, at least one System DSN should be defined to make such connections. OpenLink Product Support can provide minimal assistance in this area.
    • You must know the exact name of the DSN(s), or know the complete ODBC Connect String, that connects to the target data source.

    JDBC Client Application-specific Notes


    Proceed to Installation & Configuration.

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