%META:TOPICPARENT{name="InstallConfigOLEDB"}% = Using an OLE DB Connect String with the Single-Tier "Lite" Edition OLE DB Provider for ODBC Data Sources = The connect string specifies connection attributes as a list of semi-colon ("{{{;}}}") delimited {{{key=value}}} pairs. Application-specific setup panels collect details which are then used to automatically construct the connect string. Applications may allow users to specify hand-made connection strings to avoid ODBC DSN configuration and/or connection prompts during execution. The parameters that can be used include -- * {{{PROVIDER=OpenLinkODBC}}} * {{{DSN=}}} * {{{DRIVER={}}}} or {{{DRIVER=C:\path\to\driver\library.dll}}} The simplest connect string will specify only the {{{PROVIDER}}} and {{{DSN}}}. If you leave out the {{{DSN}}}, you can specify the {{{DRIVER}}} and provide a full ODBC connect string. Other connection attributes will depend on the ODBC Driver. The connection string should also contain a key-value pair for the Extended Properties keyword, which is used to control the [[OLEDBCursorLibraryUsage|cursor library selection]] and rowset bookmarking -- {{{ …;Extended Properties="Cursors={Driver|ODBC|IfNeeded};BookmarkDefault={On|Off}";… }}} Example connection strings -- * {{{PROVIDER=OpenLinkODBC;DSN=MyProgressDSN;Extended Properties="Cursors=IfNeeded"}}} * {{{PROVIDER=OpenLinkODBC;DRIVER={OpenLink Generic 32 Bit driver v6.0};HOST=broker-host.example.com;PORT=5000;SVT=SQLServer;DATABASE=Northwind;UID=sa;PWD=sa;PROTOCOL=TCP/IP;FBS=99;DLF=y;OPTIONS=-H mssql-host.example.com -P 1433 -V 9.0;READONLY=n…;Extended Properties="Cursors=Driver"}}}