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  • UdaWikiWeb.JDBCCompliantAppletDemos(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 15:00:29 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 15:00:29

    Testing JDBC Connections

    Some sample JDBC applets are bundled with our JDBC Drivers. Each one demonstrates practical use of JDBC and highlights OpenLink-specific functionality. These demos reside in the .../samples/jdbc/jdk1* sub-directories of the OpenLink installation. Each applet is accessible from the OpenLink Admin Assistant (an OpenLink agent that provides HTTP services like any Web Server does).

    • JDBCDemo demonstrates basic JDBC functionality.
    • ScrollDemo demonstrates the additional Resultset navigation functionality provided by our Scrollable Resultset & RowSet Extensions for JDBC on a Record-by-Record Basis.
    • ScrollDemo2 demonstrates the additional Resultset navigation functionality provided by JDBC 2.0.
    • RowSetDemo demonstrates the additional Resultset navigation functionality provided by our Scrollable Resultset & RowSet Extensions for JDBC on a RowSet-by-RowSet Basis.

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