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  • UdaWikiWeb.InstallServerOSX(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 15:00:27 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 15:00:27

    OpenLink Multi-Tier Server Components Installation and Configuration


    The OpenLink Multi-Tier server components installers for Mac OS X are distributed as Disk Image (.dmg) files. You need to download one Multi-Tier Request Broker installer and one agent installer designed to connect to the database that you want to query. Then, run the following installation procedure for each of the two installers.

    Double-click the disk image to extract the installer .mpkg file:

    You will encounter a warning message that will ask you if you are sure that you want to install the software. Click Continue:

    This is the Welcome dialog for the OpenLink Multi-Tier Request Broker:

    Review the Read Me file for installation requirements and known issues:

    Read the Software License Agreement before continuing your installation:

    Agree to the terms set forth in the license:

    At some point, OpenLink's Request Broker installers will specifically prompt for the location of a local license file. Click the Browse button to locate commercial or evaluation file on your Windows machine. Check the "I don't want to install a license file" check box, if you do not have one.

    Use the Browse or Choose button to locate a locate a local file on your local Mac. Newer installers should have a checkbox that allows you to implement licenses after installation has occurred.

    Select a destination volume for the driver installation:

    Choose to perform a custom or default installation of the driver:

    If you chose the custom option, select which of the following components to install:

    Note: The software must be installed as a user with Administrative privileges on the machine:

    Your installer may prompt you to specify the port on which the OpenLink Request Broker service will listen. This is the port on which the OpenLink server components will listen for ODBC connections. The default is 5000. There may also be check a checkbox to automate broker startup.

    Your installer may prompt you to specify the port on which the OpenLink Admin Assistant will run. The Admin Assistant is a Web-based GUI that enables you to configure your OpenLink server components. The default is 8000. You may also configure your Admin Assistant username and password. Both default to admin.

    The installer may ask you if you want to launch your Admin Assistant before the installer completes.

    The installation is complete:


    OpenLink's server components require minimal configuration. In most instances, the installation process includes steps to ensure that the primary configuration file (oplrqb.ini) is configured for basic connectivity. Use the following steps to check and enhance your individual agent settings.

    Launch the Multi-Tier Administrative Assistant in a Web browser. The URL convention is:

    http://ip_address_of_machine_with_mt_server components:mt_admin_port

    Click the Server Components Administration link.

    Click the Database Agent Administration link.

    Click the Database Settings by Wizard link.

    Login with your Administrative username and password. Both default to admin.

    Select the configuration section that you want to review. The naming convention for default database agent configuration sections is generic_ followed by an abbreviation for the OpenLink agent.

    The Agent Details dialog allows you to rename the default agent configuration section and provide an optional comment. This is an advanced feature that should not be pursued for basic connectivity.

    Click Edit to continue.

    The first Connection Parameters dialog allows you to hardcode a single username and password for all connections that use this agent configuration section for ODBC connectivity.

    • User Name - A valid database uid.
    • Password- A valid database password.

    Click Next to continue.

    The second Connection Parameters dialog allows you to hardcode a single Database, Read/Write access mode, and Connection Options for all connections that use this agent configuration section for ODBC connectivity.

    • Database Name- Takes a database name or Oracle SID.
    • Read Only specifier- Specifies whether the connection is Read-only or Read/Write.
    • Connect Options- This field passes parameters that enable users to connect to MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and Sybase databases anywhere on the network. It also passes parameters that enable users to connect to any DBMS that does not reside on the same machine as the OpenLink Request Broker and Agent. Review Complete Settings and Usage for Connect Options

    Click Next to continue.

    The second Connection Parameters dialog allows you to hardcode Server Options, a Domain, and a Host Name for all connections that use this agent configuration section for ODBC connectivity.

    • Server Options- Server Options are typically Progress specific options which are passed to the database at startup. You want to ensure that the options passed to the actual database match the options passed in the Server Options field or ServerOptions parameter. These options must also match actual options passed to the database at startup time.
    • Domain- The value must match a [Domain Alias], which is contained in the Server's Session Rules Book. This Alias typically represents the name and version of an OpenLink Agent. That agent version may differ from the DBMS version to which it connects. Note that advanced users may create custom domain names that follow their own, desired conventions.
    • Host Name- Host name or IP address of the machine that contains the OpenLink Request Broker.

    Click Next to continue.

    The Secure SSL Connection dialog allows you to designate an SSL certificate. It also allows you to enforce SSL-only connectivity.

    • SSL Key File- Passes the location of an SSL certificate.
    • SSL Required - Check to force the broker to accept only SSL-based connections.

    Click Next to continue.

    The first Application & Database Specific Parameters dialog allows you to enable opsyslogin. Opsyslogin forces connections to authenticate their usernames and passwords against the operating system instead of the database.

    • Require Operating System Identity- If checked, the Request Broker will test to see that the username and password which are supplied to it are valid for the machine. If the authentication parameters are valid, it will start the database agent under the identity of the user. If unchecked, the username and password will be passed to the backend database for authentication.

    Click Next to continue.

    The second Application & Database Specific Parameters dialog allows you to disable autocommit and enable Jet Engine catalogs.

    • No auto commit on startup- Changes the default commit behaviour of the OpenLink driver. The default mode is AutoCommit (box unchecked).
    • Jet engine catalogs- Check this checkbox if you intend to use this driver with Microsoft Access. This option facilitates translation of certain datatypes by the Microsoft Jet Engine. If you utilize MS applications, and you notice that money and other datatypes are mishandled, test with +jetfix.

    Click Next to continue.

    The third Application & Database Specific Parameters dialog allows you to limit your rowset size and pass an initial SQL script.

    • Limit result set to n records- Allows you to define a limit on the maximum number of rows to be returned from a query. The default value of 0 means no limit.
    • Initial SQL script- Lets you specify a file containing SQL statements that will be run automatically against the database upon connection.

    Click Next to continue.

    The Startup parameters screen enables you to identify the OpenLink database agent to use for your ODBC connections. It also allows you to hardcode specific environment variables for the connection. Proper environment variables are essential for ODBC connectivity.

    • Executable name- Allows you to choose which OpenLink agent should serve all connections associated with this agent configuration section.
    • Environment Variables- OpenLink's agents are written using the database native CLI. Consequently, they use the same environment variables that database native clients use to connect to the relevant DBMS. Use this box to set them. Complete List of Variables by Database

    Click Next to continue.

    The Process Mapping dialog enables you to set your agent reuse rules. Reuse rules dictate whether or not an agent will be used for subsequent connections. Reuse of agents reduces overhead associated with agent spawning.

    Click Next to continue.

    The Save Settings dialog allows you to save your new agent settings. Check the Reinitialize checkbox to reinitialize the OpenLink Request Broker with these settings. Your new settings will not be unforced unless the Request Broker is restarted or reinitialized.

    Click Save to complete the agent configuration process.

    Proceed to Commercial Licensing Documentation:

    Should you decide to purchase a commercial license at the end of your evaluation period, be sure to consult our documentation which explains the placement and uptake of commercial license files and the use of our OpenLink License Manager technology: License Technology & Application

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