UDA Connect String Attributes (all mechanisms and formats)

You may need to build a complete Connect String to access a data source.

A connect string has the following syntax (in roughly BNF format) --

connection-string ::= empty-string[;] | attribute[;] | attribute; connection-string
empty-string ::=
attribute ::= attribute-keyword=attribute-value | DRIVER=[{]attribute-value[}]
attribute-keyword ::= DSN | UID | PWD | driver-defined-attribute-keyword
attribute-value ::= character-string
driver-defined-attribute-keyword ::= identifier

-- where --

The following list describes valid attributes and their possible values common to all our data access drivers and providers (Single-Tier and Multi-Tier; ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, and OLE DB) --

Select your driver type to see additional parameters and sample connection strings that may apply to your deployment: