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  • UdaWikiWeb.ConnectionAttributes(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 14:59:49 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 14:59:49

    Multi-Tier Connection Attributes

    There are two types of Multi-Tier Connection Attributes: "User-Configurable" and "Non-User-Configurable".

    User-Configurable Connection Attributes

    User-Configurable attributes are set in various ways, depending on the connection mechanism.

    • ODBC: in the ODBC DSN, typically through the ODBC Administrator, or the ODBC Connect String
    • JDBC: in the JDBC URL, or, with JDBC 2.0 or later, the JDBC DSN
    • ADO.NET: in the Connection String

    Domain Attribute
    Identifies the Multi-Tier Agent to which all the Multi-Tier Connection Attributes will apply.

    This attribute describes a logical reference for a database type, Multi-Tier agent type, or anything else you would like to use as a logical identifier for all the other Multi-Tier Connection Attributes.

    This attribute is also referred to as the "Server Type" or "SVT" attribute of a Multi-Tier Generic Client connect string. It is also referred to in older product documentation as the Multi-Tier "Provider Type".

    User Attribute
    Identifies the User making use of a Multi-Tier Generic Client.

    Database Attribute
    Identifies a specific database name (a/k/a "schema" or "catalog") within a database environment (e.g., ORCL for Oracle, stores7 for Informix, pubs with Sybase or Microsoft SQL Server, iSports for Progress). The values associated with this Connection Attribute aren't overridden by Aliases; however, they may be overridden by the "Database" attribute within an Agent Configuration template.

    ServerOpts (Database Server Environment Options) Attribute
    Identifies a set of database environment initialization parameters, currently this attribute only applies to Progress environments. It is used to set self-serving client initialization parameters such as: -TB, -TB, -q, -D mdy, etc. The values associated with this Connection Attribute aren't overridden by Aliases; instead, they are overridden by the ServerOptions attribute within an Agent Configuration template.

    ConnectOpts (Database Server Connection Options) Attribute
    Identifies a set of database server connection parameters used to initiate a connection with a backend database server process. This is how a Multi-Tier Database Agent makes a connection with a back-end database server using a particular database vendors networking middleware (e.g., Net8 or SQL*Net for Oracle, I-Connect or I-Net for Informix, Progress Client Networking for Progress, Open Client for Sybase). The values associated with this Connection Attribute aren't overridden by Aliases, instead they are overridden by the ConnectOptions attribute within an Agent Configuration template.

    Non-User-Configurable Connection Attributes

    These attributes are environmental in nature, and are derived automatically by a Multi-Tier Generic Client.

    OpSys (Operating System) attribute
    Identifies the Client operating system from which the Multi-Tier Generic Client is being executed.
    Machine attribute

    Host attribute
    Identifies the Network Alias or IP address of the machine or device from the Multi-Tier Client is being executed.

    Application attribute
    Identifies the Client Application from which the connection originates.Note: The Application name can be set by an application using an ODBC API call, SQLSetConnectOption(hdbc, SQL_APPLICATION_NAME, "AppName"). The JDBC equivalent can also be used.

    Mode attribute
    Identifies the session Mode required by an Multi-Tier Client, this may be Read-Only or Read-Write.

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