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  • UdaWikiWeb.ConfigureProgressIsolationLevels(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 14:59:48 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 14:59:48

    Setting Transaction Isolation Levels for connections to Progress/OpenEdge

    Enterprise Edition Multi-Tier Drivers

    1. Log in to the Broker host.
    2. Use a text editor to open the active Rulebook (default is /<...OpenLink Installation...>/bin/oplrqb.ini).
    3. Locate the relevant Environment section, e.g., [Environment PROGRESS110SQL], [Environment PROGRESS100SQL], or [Environment PROGRESS91SQL].
    4. Add the following keyword to the existing list of parameters:


    5. Set your desired transaction isolation level. The options are:


      For instance:


    6. Save your changes and exit the file.
    7. Restart or reinitialize your Request Broker service to activate the change.

    Lite Edition Single-Tier Drivers

    1. Log in to the machine hosting the driver.
    2. Launch the ODBC Administrator.
    3. Locate & highlight your Data Source Name.
    4. Click Configure.
    5. Locate the Default Transaction Isolation menu.
    6. Select your desired isolation level.
    7. Save the changes to your DSN.

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