OpenLinkGeneric ADO.NET Data Provider Installation and Configuration
Review Preinstallation Documentation: OpenLink Generic ADO.NET Data Provider Pre-Installation Requirements
Simply download the .dll and place it in the same folder as your .NET application.
There is no additional configuration involved, unless you placed your .dll in a non-standard location. If you did not place your .dll in the directory from which your .NET application runs, you need to ensure that your Global Assembly Cache (MONO_GAC_PREFIX) environment variable passes the directory that contains the .dll.
Provider Name: OpenLink.Data.GenericClient.dll
Connection String: Host=;Port=;SVT=;DATABASE=;OPTIONS=;UID=;PWD=;
Host = Hostname or IP address on which the
Port = TCP port on which the
SVT = The value must match a [Domain Alias], which is contained in the Request Broker's Session Rules Book.
This Alias typically represents the name and version of an
DATABASE = Target database name.
OPTIONS = This field passes parameters that enable users to connect to
UID = Database username.
PWD = Database password.
Example: Host=;Port=5000;SVT=Informix 2000;DATABASE=Informix;OPTIONS=ol_informix;UID=informix;PWD=informix;
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