---+ Troubleshooting Worksheet -- Multi-Tier Driver, System Stability Use this form to gather information which will help us better assist you. If possible, follow up with [[http://wikis.openlinksw.com/dataspace/owiki/wiki/UdaWikiWeb/GeneratingClientsideODBCTracesAllDrivers][a client-side ODBC trace]] and the [[http://wikis.openlinksw.com/dataspace/owiki/wiki/UdaWikiWeb/GeneratingRequestBrokerTraces][Request Broker Log]]. ---++ System Information * What product are you using? %BR%%BR% --- %BR%%BR% * What are the names of the files that you downloaded? %BR%%BR% --- %BR%%BR% * What is the product version and release number? %BR%%BR% --- %BR%%BR% * What is the name and version of the o/s containing your Multi-Tier client components? %BR%%BR% --- %BR%%BR% * Provide the output of uname -a for unix and linux machines. %BR%%BR% --- %BR%%BR% * What is the name and version of the o/s containing your Multi-Tier server components? %BR%%BR% --- %BR%%BR% * Provide the output of uname -a for unix and linux machines. %BR%%BR% --- %BR%%BR% ---++ Problem Description * Provide the text of any error message you experience. %BR%%BR% --- %BR%%BR% * Describe any problem that does not produce error text. %BR%%BR% --- %BR%%BR% * Describe the steps that you take to reproduce the problem. %BR%%BR% --- %BR%%BR% * Provide Data Source Name Connection Parameters. %BR%%BR% --- %BR%%BR% ---++ Client Environment * What are your client communications settings? %BR%%BR% --- %BR%%BR% ---++ Server Environment * Have you set PortHigh in your server's oplrqb.ini file? Provide your server's oplrqb.ini file for verification. %BR%%BR% --- %BR%%BR% * Have the latest, relevant patches been applied to your database and server operating system? %BR%%BR% --- %BR%%BR% * List your kernel tuning parameters. Unix users provide the output of ulimit -a for verification. %BR%%BR% --- %BR%%BR% * What is your machine's physical memory? %BR%%BR% --- %BR%%BR% * What is your machine's processor count? %BR%%BR% --- %BR%%BR% * Did you install your server components on the database native server? %BR%%BR% --- %BR%%BR% * If not, did you install your server components on a machine containing the database native client? %BR%%BR% --- %BR%%BR% * What is your database native client version? %BR%%BR% --- %BR%%BR% ---++ Problem Isolation * Is this a consistent problem or a problem that has occured after a period of stability? %BR%%BR% --- %BR%%BR% * Is the problem associated with heavy load? If so, please describe. %BR%%BR% --- %BR%%BR% * Does the problem produce core files, stack traces, Dr. Watsons, or Progress protraces? If so, please submit the relevant file or Watson error. %BR%%BR% --- %BR%%BR% * Is the problem associated with a recent database or o/s patch or upgrade? %BR%%BR% --- %BR%%BR% * Is the problem associated with the implementation of anti-virus software? %BR%%BR% --- %BR%%BR% * Does the problem correspond with errors in the database native error log? Please provide the log for evidence. %BR%%BR% --- %BR%%BR% * Does the database native transaction monitor show anomalous activity? %BR%%BR% --- %BR%%BR% * Is the problem associated with an excess number of OpenLink database agent processes? %BR%%BR% --- %BR%%BR% * Does ps -ef show more OpenLink agent processes than oplshut -s ? %BR%%BR% --- %BR%%BR%