%META:TOPICPARENT{name="ProductLicensingGuide"}% ---+ Preparing for a Virtuoso Quote Be prepared to answer the questions that pertain to your Virtuoso license model. %TOC% ---++ Workstation Model * How many Workstations exist in this architecture? * Which client access type(s) do you need: ODBC, JDBC, OLE DB, ADO.NET? * How many logical processors exist in the environment where the Virtuoso server will be installed? * What operating system is hosting the Virtuoso server? * What Workstation operating systems appear in this architecture? * What is the maximum number of concurrent SQL- and HTTP- connections (database sessions) spawned at one time? * Do you need runtime Hosting? * Do you need Virtuoso's application suite (ODS)? * Do you need Virtuoso's Virtual Database functionality? * Do you need Elastic Clusters? * Do you need Column Store functionality? ---++ Application Server Model * Which client access type(s) do you need: ODBC, JDBC, OLE DB, ADO.NET? * How many logical processors exist in the environment where the Virtuoso server will be installed? * What operating system is hosting the Virtuoso server? * What Workstation operating systems appear in this architecture? * What is the maximum number of concurrent SQL- and HTTP- connections (database sessions) spawned at one time? * Do you need runtime Hosting? * Do you need Virtuoso's application suite (ODS)? * Do you need Virtuoso's Virtual Database functionality? * Do you need Elastic Clusters? * Do you need Column Store functionality?