%META:TOPICPARENT{name="SupportedArchitectures"}% ---++Considering Virtuoso as a Data Access Solution %NAVY%This section discusses the suitability of Virtuoso for complex data integration and migration architectures.%ENDCOLOR% OpenLink's Data Access Drivers provide best-of-class data access to a wide variety of data stores, and that data access is transparent and free from vendor lock-in. Nevertheless, there are times when deployment of OpenLink's Data Access Drivers is not sufficient or optimal for the task at hand. Problems often arise in complex data integration or migration architectures. The emergence of proprietary client interfaces associated with SQL Server, Oracle, and other DBMSs presents challenges that cannot be addressed solely in an ODBC, JDBC, OLE DB, or ADO.NET data access product. These challenges include: * Legacy DBMSs that are wholly incompatible with the demands of complex, SQL92 applications like SQL Server SSIS * Legacy DBMS upgrades that break existing workflow so that compatibility that can be achieved with applications like SSIS * Legacy Architectures that have no contingency for new technologies like RDF, XMLA, Web Services, BPEL, and SOA * DBMS client applications that can not deal with idiosyncracies in heterogeneous, target DBMSs * DBMS client applications that change behaviors from one release to the next * Inability to join data or need to cast data types across heterogeneous DBMSs OpenLink's Virtuoso Universal Server addresses these and other problems presented by today's intricate data access needs. Virtuoso Universal Server functions as "universal middleware" that resolves data migration and integration issues that arise during cross-departmental consolidations, business acquisitions, business mergers, and other re-architecting endeavors. Virtuoso Universal Server facilitates or provides: * Preservation of legacy systems and workflow associated with legacy systems * Smooth incorporation of new DBMS client applications like SQL Server Reporting Services into the architecture * Ability to perform heterogeneous data joins and resolve heterogeneous data type issues * XML and new data type support * Contingency for future or unanticipated needs concerning uptake of technologies like RDF, Web Services, and XMLA * Translation of idiosyncratic and legacy DBMS dialects into a standard that today's DBMS client integration and migration tools can recognize * Native replication and integration tools that augment or replace problematic, proprietary tools made available by specific DBMS vendors Contact OpenLink Product Support or a regional OpenLink Account Manager for additional information of Virtuoso Universal Server.