%META:TOPICPARENT{name="ApplyingLicenseFiles"}% ---+ Apply License Files to Multi-Tier Release 4.x or 5.x, on Unix 1 Navigate to the root directory of your OpenLink installation, where you find openlink.sh and openlink.csh. 1 Set the OpenLink environment by running the appropriate script for your shell. The following will work in most environments, but your required command may differ -- | *shell* | *command* | | sh, bash, zsh and related | . ./openlink.sh | | ksh and related | source ./openlink.sh | | csh, tcsh and related | source ./openlink.csh | 1 Execute this command -- cd bin 1 Retrieve your OpenLink license file from email or [[ODSBriefcaseLicenseStorage][ODS briefcase]]. 1 Transer the license to the current ($OPENLINK_INSTALL/bin/) directory on the Unix box, using binary-preserving methods (e.g., FTP in BIN mode, SCP, etc.) 1 Confirm that the OPL_LICENSE_DIR environment variable includes this directory. Exact commands may vary in your environment, but here is an example sequence based on the BASH shell -- echo $OPL_LICENSE_DIR /etc/oplmgr export OPL_LICENSE_DIR=/usr/openlink/bin:$OPL_LICENSE_DIR 1 Execute these commands -- ./oplshut -fy ./oplrqb -dv 1 Launch a client application. 1 Test a connection to initialize the terms of the new license. 1 Once the license is confirmed, repeat the oplshut command, and restart the Broker using your normal command sequence.