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  • OATWikiWeb.OATDOCgrid(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 14:58:51 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 14:58:51


    Advanced grid (table) control.


    OAT.Grid(element, optionsObject)

    Creates a grid as a child of element.optionsObject may contain:

    • autoNumber - Grid will automatically add the first auto-numbered column
    • rowOffset - starting offset for auto-numbered column
    • allowColumnHiding - user can toggle column visibility at runtime
    • sortFunc - custom user-specified sorting routine
    • imagePath - path to images (with trailing slash)
    • reorderNotifier - routine to be called when column reordering occurs


    OAT.Grid::createRow(data, [index])

    Adds a row. If index is present, it specifies at which index the new row should be inserted.Data is an array of either values or objects. If objects are used, they should contain:

    • value - cell value
    • align - one of ALIGN_ constants


    Creates a header row. Data is an array of either values or objects. If objects are used, they should contain:

    • value - cell value
    • sortable - whether this column is sortable
    • draggable - whether this column is draggable
    • resizable - whether this column is resizable
    • align - one of ALIGN_ constants
    • sort - one of SORT_ constants
    • type - one of TYPE_ constants

    OAT.Grid::appendHeader(data, [index])

    Adds a new header cell. If index is present, it specifies at which index the new cell should be inserted.Data are in the same format as in OAT.Grid::createHeader().


    Converts an existing table into a grid.

    OAT.Grid::row::addCell(data, [index])

    Adds one cell to one row. If index is present, it specifies at which index new cell should be inserted. Data are in the same format as in OAT.Grid::createRow(). This method should be called as grid.rows[i].addCell().


    Removes one column specified by index from the grid.


    Clears the grid (preserves header).


    Selects row.


    Deselects row.



    Sets the minimal width of the column.


    Column alignment.

    • OAT.GridData.ALIGN_LEFT
    • OAT.GridData.ALIGN_RIGHT


    Column sorting order.

    • OAT.GridData.SORT_NONE
    • OAT.GridData.SORT_ASC
    • OAT.GridData.SORT_DESC


    Constants specifying the data type in a column. They affect sorting - string or numeric sorts will be used based on these constants. When set to auto, simple detection test (parsing a float of the first row) will be performed.

    • OAT.GridData.TYPE_AUTO
    • OAT.GridData.TYPE_STRING

    CSS classes


    CSS class of grid table element.


    CSS class of even and odd rows.


    CSS class of even and odd rows.


    CSS class of hovered row.


    CSS class of the first column (index) when auto numbering option is active.


    CSS class of the header (first row) column.


    CSS class of a regular data column.



    Referenced by...